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Mission Reserve Syrah 750ml

The nose is complex with sweet spice, black fruit aromas and some black pepper notes and spicy overtones. The palate is medium bodied with good fruit weight.

Penfolds Bin 128 Coonawarra Shiraz 2021 750ml

With each vintage release the cool-climate Bin 128 Coonawarra Shiraz provides an interesting counterpoint to the more opulent and richly concentrated warm climate Bin 28 Shiraz. Bin 128 comprises fruit sourced from the unique terra rossa red clay over limestone soils of Coonawarra, a region that exemplifies the perfume, transparency and seductive nature of cool-climate red table wines. Coonawarra has remained the source of Shiraz fruit for Bin 128 since the inaugural release of the 1962 vintage. To further enhance the regional qualities of Bin 128, the wine is matured in a mixture of new and seasoned French oak hogsheads, élevage that was refined during the 1980s when the transition was made from American to French oak. The palate is medium-weight, relative to the likes of the warm climate Bin 28 Shiraz. The blue fruits noted on the nose are quite apparent on the flavour profile. However, the wine is orientated towards the savoury end of the spectrum. Cured meats, pepper, olives and paprika flavours vying for attention. On further inspection, almond kernels and cardamom add to the allure. The tannins are silken, finely woven around the fruit. The acid line is as neat as a pin. Everything is in the right place, a lovely wine now with decades of potential for those who can wait.

Penfolds Koonunga Hill Shiraz 750ml

A steely and slatey texture with subtle oak tones beneath the spice and berries.

Penfolds Koonunga Hill Shiraz Cabernet Sauvignon 750ml

Named after one of Penfolds Barossa Valley vineyards, Koonunga Hill is a reflection of the Penfolds winemaking style and philosophy - offering richness, balance and lasting quality.

Pepperjack Shiraz 750ml

Pepperjack is a tribute to the Barossa's rich heritage. Traditional wine making techniques combined with an eye to modern styles led to this range of wine. The Pepperjack wines are rich, honest and vibrant in style - showcasing the Barossa's outstanding qualities Includes Shiraz, Cabernet Sauvignon.

Pepperjack Shiraz Cabernet Sauvignon 750ml

Pepperjack is a tribute to the Barossa's rich heritage. Traditional wine making techniques combined with an eye to modern styles led to this range of wine. The Pepperjack wines are rich, honest and vibrant in style - showcasing the Barossa's outstanding qualities. Includes Shiraz, Cabernet Sauvignon.

Peter Lehmann Stonewell Shiraz 750ml

Fermented and macerated on skins for up to 2 weeks with some partial barrel fermentation. Following pressing and clarification, the wine was matured in French oak hogsheads for approximately 18 months. Full bodied, classic Stonewell with massive density and length. Classic blue and black fruits with ironstone and graphite tannins. A long life ahead, one of the all-time classic Stonewell's.

Peter Lehmann The Barossan Shiraz 750ml

True to what the region has come to be known for ‘The Barossan’ is a quintessential expression of Barossa Shiraz.

Quarisa Johnny Q Shiraz 750ml

Approachable, easy going and versatile, Johnny Q will suit any occasion! 'You just can't take life too seriously'... is Winemaker John Quarisa's motto. John draws on extensive experience to deliver Johnny Q, a range which encapsulates his love for life. You will find this wine is a perfect accompaniment with fun times and lots of laughter. Enjoy with good friends and family.

Quarisa Johnny Q Shiraz Viognier 750ml

Winemaking is a science and an art. Who knows if it was the scientist or the artist that came up with the idea of blending red and white wine, but whoever did was a genius! The smallest amount of Viognier transforms the already spectacular ripe, berry Shiraz into a wine of depth, complexity and youthful intensity - true indulgence.

River Retreat Shiraz 750ml

Deep red, purple in colour with aromas of dark berries and chocolate flavours of dark cherry and plum are fleshy and long. The balance of sweet fruit, subtle oak and soft tannins make this wine silky smooth and delicious.

Saltram 1859 Barossa Shiraz 750ml

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