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Vavasour Chardonnay 750ml

Complex and elegant, citrus, nectarine and apricot notes balanced by toasty French oak.

Villa Maria Cellar Selection Hawke's Bay Chardonnay 750ml

George Fistonich started Villa Maria as a one-man band in 1961. An icon of the NZ wine industry, this family owned company became a global brand in just 50 years. Villa Maria's Cellar Selection is an intensely flavoured, elegant and food-friendly wine range.

Villa Maria Private Bin Chardonnay 750ml

This wine is fruit-driven in style, exhibiting ripe peach with underlying citrus blossom and fig characters. On the palate, these flavours are enhanced by a creamy texture and a delicate suggestion of oak. A medium bodied Chardonnay that is styled for enjoyment upon release with or without food.

Wairau River Chardonnay 750ml

The nose displays fruitful aromas of nectarine and citrus, complemented by delicate floral and savoury notes.

Wild Grace Chardonnay 750ml

The grapes are hand harvested from the Southern Valley's sub region in Marlborough, matured in french oak, the wine has minerality upfront with a citrus backbone, underlying french oak is giving complexity and structure.

Wither Hills Chardonnay 750ml

Established in 1994 and named after the landmark Wither Hills range that borders the vineyards, the Wither Hills expert team grow and craft expressive wines New Zealanders know and trust to represent quality. A vivid, stylish and elegant Chardonnay. The distinctive fruit profile of nectarine, fresh grapefruit and minerality is interlaced with the spicy, cashew nut nuances of fine grained French oak. Beautifully intense and expressive.
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