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Whitley Neill Blackberry Gin 700ml

This Blackberry Gin is inspired by floral English hedgerows and it certainly shows. The gin takes the berry, which grows in late summer, and combines it with traditional botanicals. This is just destined for a juicy G&T throughout the summer months, and may even make some more warming winter tipples, what with its jammy flavour profile. A hit of piney juniper, with sweet lemon peel, peppery spice and juicy, jammy berries, with a slightly earthy finish.

Whitley Neill Original Dry Gin 700ml

The exceptional Whitley Neill Original Handcrafted Dry Gin was created by Johnny Neill, a direct descendant of a long line of distillers. Inspired by his family's sense of adventure, Johnny strove to create his own signature blend of gin: a tribute to his English distilling heritage, and an homage to the enigmatic beauty of his wife's South African homeland.

Whitley Neill Original Dry Gin 700ml

The exceptional Whitley Neill Original Handcrafted Dry Gin was created by Johnny Neill, a direct descendant of a long line of distillers. Inspired by his family's sense of adventure, Johnny strove to create his own signature blend of gin: a tribute to his English distilling heritage, and an homage to the enigmatic beauty of his wife's South African homeland.

Whitley Neill Raspberry Gin 700ml

An initial and distinct juniper, coriander and liquorice flavour that gives way to a bright, fresh vibrant taste of Scottish raspberries. A perfectly balanced Gin with a delicate, fruity taste and a lasting citrus, raspberry flavour.

Whitley Neill Rhubarb & Ginger Gin 700ml

The essence of rhubarb adds a tart crisp edge to Whitley Neill's smooth gin base whilst the ginger extract warms the palate for a full-bodied finish. Johnny Neill's gin evokes childhood memories of visiting his grandparents on their farm by taking a firm Whitley Family favourite in rhubarb and placed a warm twist on this with the addition of fresh ginger.

Wild Turkey American Honey 700ml

Wild Turkey American Honey is an exceptionally smooth 71 proof (35.5% alcohol) liqueur blended with pure honey and real Wild Turkey Bourbon Whiskey. It's perfect straight out of the bottle, chilled in the freezer, or on the rocks. It's the sweeter, smoother side of Wild Turkey, with notes of sweet honey, caramel, and orange.

Wild Turkey Bourbon 81 Proof 1 Litre

Originally crafted by Kentucky Bourbon Hall-of-Famer Eddie Russell as 'Wild Turkey 81', Wild Turkey Bourbon is aged in American White Oak barrels with the deepest, No. 4 'alligator' char. With notes of sweet vanilla, pear, and hints of spice, this bourbon finishes with a flavour that is full and rich, whether enjoyed straight or with a mixer.

Wild Turkey Longbranch Bourbon 700ml

Made in small batches and refined with oak and charcoal for a balanced and smooth with hints of smoky sweetness.

Wild Turkey Rare Breed Barrel Proof 700ml

The true, bold spirit of Wild Turkey has been captured in this authentic barrel proof whiskey, creating one of the finest bourbons in the world. Uncut with water, Rare Breed is an uncompromised Kentucky bourbon with tones of sweet tobacco and hints of orange and mint. A unique marriage of 6, 8 and 12 year old whiskies, make up this remarkably smooth 116.8 proof (58.4% ABV) whiskey legend.

Wild Turkey Rye 700ml

Wild Turkey Straight Rye Whiskey is an 81 proof (40.5% alcohol) ode to America's first distilled spirit: rye whiskey. Big, broad vanilla and spice notes burst through without changing the bold rye taste.

Willett Pot Still Reserve Bourbon 700ml

Nose is 'vanilla lemon cake', the palate is a balance of caramel, vanilla, spices and citrus. I'm not sure if they made the opulent bottle to match the Whiskey or vice versa.

Woodford Reserve Bourbon 700ml

Woodford Reserve Kentucky Straight Bourbon Whiskey offers a perfectly balanced taste with more than 200 detectable flavour notes. Rich, luminous mahogany with honey tints. Elegant and creamy, with strong notes of vanilla that overlap a rich dark fruit medley, along with butterscotch, cinnamon and a dash of black pepper. Mouth-filling spice, vanilla, caramel and fruit flavours, with a touch of mint. The finish is long, smooth and clean, with slight spice and pepper - refreshing.
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