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Brookfields Bergman Chardonnay 750ml

The Bergman Chardonnay is a full bodied bold Chardonnay. Stonefruit, melon, vanilla, biscuit and elegant oak all contribute to this complex wine which is totally barrel fermented.

Church Road Chardonnay 750ml

Found in 1897, Church Road combines traditional winemaking techniques with modern thinking and innovation to craft premium, complex wines. This creamy textured Hawke's Bay Chardonnay is unashamedly just a little bit old school. Ripe peach, tropical fruit and fragrant citrus notes are enhanced by toasty oak, wild fermentation, full malolactic and regular yeast lees string. This approach delivers layers of flavour reminiscent of toasted brioche, roasted hazelnut and sizzle butter.

Church Road Grand Reserve Chardonnay 750ml

A fuller bodied Chardonnay balanced by gentle, fresh acidity and a spine of slate-like minerality. Fresh zesty citrus and citrus blossom notes are to the fore with riper, richer stonefruit underlying and providing extra depth. The fruit is overlaid with complexities of roasted nuts, toasted brioche, and a hint of struck flint and gun smoke. Already drinking exceptionally well, with age the wine will develop more complex, savoury nuttiness and will gain breadth and richness on the palate.

Church Road McDonald Series Chardonnay 750ml

The McDonald Series wines are an expression of both their fruit and the vision of their namesake winemaker. The finest free run juice was barrel fermented in predominantly older French oak to produce this finely textured, elegant Chardonnay. Vibrant citrus and stonefruit flavours are overlaid with subtle creamy oak and complexities of toasted hazelnut and brioche.

Church Road TOM Chardonnay 750ml

A core of fruit suggestive of citrus, citrus blossom, white peach, and fresh fig provides the base that carries layers of savoury complexity including toasted hazelnut or cashew, brioche and driftwood smoke. On the palate, notes of roasted hazelnut, nougat and toasted brioche, along with a wisp of woodsmoke and struck flint, combine to bring a serious savoury element to the wine.

Clearview Estate Coastal Chardonnay 750ml

Oyster shell aromatics give way to a white peach & pear flavoured profile.

Clearview Estate Reserve Chardonnay 750ml

Stylish with power & complexity, mealy with stonefruit, ripe tropical flavours & substantial body.

Clearview Estate White Caps Chardonnay 750ml

A nod to the chardonnays of the past with oak, buttery toast aromas & a peach stonefruit flavour profile.

Cloudy Bay Chardonnay 750ml

The palate is rounded in the mouth, with gentle citrus and white peach characters, enfolded in layers of crème patissière and hazelnut.

Dashwood Chardonnay 750ml

Classic Chardonnay aromatics mingle in the glass with a touch of citrus peel, ripe stone fruit and toasty oak. The palate is rich and creamy with grilled peaches, lemons and brioche through the mid palate. Fine, toasted oak and balanced acidity lead to a long and satisfying finish. Enjoy alongside creamy cheeses, BBQ chicken or a porcini risotto.

Dog Point Chardonnay 750ml

A pure, bright and youthful citrus driven chardonnay with complex smoky, flint, toast and biscuit notes derived from extended barrel aging on full solids. The palate is focussed and restrained which unfurls on the finish and exposes the intense citrus core with underlying cashew, nutty flavours.

Domaine Denis Race Chablis 750ml

This is classic Chablis at its best - 4th generation winemaker the Race family use virtually no oak (and none at all in the standard cuvée) creating a lean, linear, focused wine that evokes crushed shells, crunchy apple and soft aromatic florals. Match with grilled or poached fish, exotic dishes, sushi and goat's cheeses.
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